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Constellation Awards Red Carpet, 2012
Interview with Katie Uhlmann of TTN-HD News at the Constellation Awards (Canadian science fiction film and television awards), Richmond Hill, July 16, 2011.
Constellation Awards Red Carpet, 2011
Interview with Katie Uhlmann of TTN-HD News at the Constellation Awards (Canadian science fiction film and television awards), Richmond Hill, July 16, 2011.
Ad Astra Science Fiction Convention 2011
Reading from The Shrine of the Siren Stone at Ad Astra Science Fiction Convention, Toronto, April 10, 2011. Courtesy of renowned editor and author Scott Edelman.
Constellation Awards Red Carpet, 2010
Interview with Katie Uhlmann of TTN-HD News at the Constellation Awards (Canadian science fiction film and television awards), Richmond Hill, July 17, 2010.
Constellation Awards Ceremony, 2010
Presenting the award for Best Female Performance in a 2009 Film, TV Movie or Miniseries with actress and model Josie Lee at the Constellation Awards (Canadian science fiction film and television awards), Richmond Hill, July 17, 2010. Video by Jack Xiong.
The Dragon and the Stars Book Launch on OMNI TV News (Cantonese), Toronto, May 13, 2010 (volume may be low; turn it up on your speakers)
Constellation Awards Ceremony, 2009
Presenting the award for Best Overall 2008 Science Fiction Film or Television Script with actress and model Pamela Mars (Playboy) at the Constellation Awards, Richmond Hill, July 11, 2009. Introduction by actress Karen Cliche (Mutant X, Vampire High). Video by Jack Xiong.
Constellation Awards Ceremony, 2008
Presenting the award for Best Female Performance in a 2007 Film, TV Movie or Miniseries with the actress and model Athena Lebessis (American Pie Presents Beta House), Constellation Awards, Toronto, July 12, 2008. Introduction by comedian Rick Green (Prisoners of Gravity, The Red Green Show). Video by Jack Xiong.